Summary, structure and components of the educational and scientific program | ХАІ
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HomeEducationSystems of Autonomous Navigation and Adaptive Control of AircraftSummary, structure and components of the educational and scientific program

Summary, structure and components
of the educational and professional program
"Systems of Autonomous Navigation and Adaptive Control of Aircraft" 

What do we teach and on what equipment?

- principles of automatic control of moving objects (airplanes, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles);

- mathematical and computer modeling of aircraft movement;

- modern computer tools for traffic control.

In the avionics laboratory (basic in this specialty) students can make and test a model of an unmanned aerial vehicle, as well as conduct research on unique equipment.

The bachelor can hold the position: developer of control systems software, developer of computer control systems equipment, circuit engineer for control and maintenance of computerized control systems.

The graduate qualifies as a research engineer in navigation and control systems.

Guarantor of educational program:

Кулік Анатолій Степанович

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Aircraft Control Systems

Anatolii Kulik

[email protected]


2021 set