Program learning outcomes (PRN) | ХАІ
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Program learning outcomes (PLO)

PLO1. Adapt to changes in professional technology, predict their impact on the end result.

PLO2. Autonomously acquire new knowledge in their subject and related fields from various sources for the effective solution of specialized tasks of professional activity.

PLO3. Responsible and qualified to set and solve problems related to the creation of avionics devices and systems.

PLO4. Understand the state and prospects of the subject area.

PLO5. To organize own professional activity, to choose optimum methods and ways of the decision of difficult specialized problems and practical problems in professional activity.

PLO6. Critically comprehend the basic theories, principles, methods and concepts in professional activities.

PLO7. Free to communicate on professional issues in state and foreign languages orally and in writing.

PLO8. Understand the principles of law and legal principles of professional activity in the field of avionics.

PLO9. Understanding of modern philosophical theories and the main achievements of world and national culture, their creative thinking and skills of application in professional activities, in particular, in communication with colleagues.

PLO10. Effectively plan and organize your working hours, maintain your own health and ability to work, including through active recreation and a healthy lifestyle.

PLO11. Develop technical requirements for avionics systems and devices; to design avionics systems and devices taking into account the requirements of the customer and regulatory and technical documentation.

PLO12. Analyze, calculate and design electrical and electronic avionics systems.

PLO13. Develop and program microprocessor control systems.

PLO14. Apply modern information technologies to ensure the functioning of aircraft and ground complexes.

PLO15. Develop mathematical models of aircraft as control objects.

PLO16. Be able to describe information processes related to avionics, analyze their noise immunity.

PLO17. Be able to create electronic equipment and devices of aircraft and ground complexes using computer-aided design systems.

PLO18. Ensure the manufacturability of avionics systems with modern design tools, including automated and experimental.

PLO19. Evaluate the technical and economic characteristics of the decisions taken to ensure the efficiency and high quality of development.

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