Summary, structure and components of the educational and professional program | ХАІ
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HomeEducationEngineering Maintenance of Aircraft and EnginesSummary, structure and components of the educational and professional program

Summary, structure and components
of the educational and professional program
"Engineering Maintenance of Aircraft and Engines" 

The specialty is designed to train mechanical engineers in the operation, repair and testing of aircraft qualification level "bachelor" and "master" for professional or scientific training.

A bachelor's degree graduate can work at aviation companies, holding the position of aviation technician or junior mechanical engineer for aircraft operation.

Graduate - Master receives a qualification of mechanical engineer in the specialty "Maintenance and repair of aircraft and aircraft engines" and has the right to work in engineering positions at enterprises related to the operation of aircraft for ground and flight tests, operation, certification, repair technology works of aviation equipment or is awarded the qualification of a research engineer in the specialty "Maintenance and repair of aircraft and aircraft engines". And he can hold the position of research engineer in the field of aircraft construction, work in design and research organizations of the aviation industry of Ukraine, universities, as well as various public and private enterprises related to aircraft maintenance, airports and aviation technical bases ATB.

Guarantor of educational program:

Орловський Михайло Миколайович

Cand. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor, Aircraft Designing Department

Orlovskyi Mykhailo

[email protected]


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