Graduate competencies | ХАІ
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Graduate competencies

Integral competence:

The ability to solve complex problems and problems in the design, manufacture and operation of aircraft or in the learning process, which involves research and / or innovation and is characterized by uncertainty conditions and requirements

General competencies (GC):

GC1 - the ability to identify the scientific essence and solve problems in the professional sphere, to find adequate ways to solve them.

GC2 - the ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis in the design of aircraft and helicopters.

GC3 - the ability to identify, pose and solve problems.

GC4 - the ability to conduct research to solve complex problems in professional activities.

GC5 - the ability to generate new ideas (creativity), identify, pose and solve problems, find optimal ways to solve them, including working in a team with representatives of other professional groups.

GC6 - skills of using information and communication technologies. ZK7 - the ability to investigate problems using systems analysis, synthesis, computer modeling and optimization methods.

GC8 - the ability to adapt and act in a new situation.

GC9 - the ability to analyze, verify, assess the completeness of information in the course of professional activity, if necessary, to supplement and synthesize missing information and work in conditions of uncertainty.

GC10 - the ability to further autonomous and independent learning based on the latest scientific and technical achievements.

GC11 - the ability to communicate in a foreign language in professional activities.

GC12 - the ability to conduct professional, including research, in an international environment.

Professional competencies (FC):

FC1 - Ability to formulate the purpose and objectives of the study, identify priorities for solving problems, select and create evaluation criteria

FC2 - Ability to apply modern research methods, evaluate and present the results of work

FC3 - Ability to have a full set of legal and regulatory acts in the field of aviation safety related to the object of professional activity FC4 - Knowledge and ability to use the achievements of science and technology in professional activity

FC5 - Ability to prepare reviews, publications based on research FC6 - Ability to prepare, plan and conduct training sessions in educational organizations

FC7 - Ability to organize the work of teams of performers to achieve the goal, to make and implement management decisions in a range of opinions, to determine the order of work on the design of production and testing of aircraft.

FC8 - Ability to apply mathematical theory of organization and planning of the experiment, to develop research plans, to choose algorithms for processing measurement information, as well as to use the necessary software to automate calculations.

FC9 - Ability to develop production programs for maintenance, service, repair and other services in the operation of aircraft on the basis of deep fundamental and special knowledge.

FC10 - Awareness in the field of aerohydrodynamics, basic knowledge to describe the interaction of bodies with the air and hydraulic environment.

FC11 - Ability to apply basic knowledge in the field of mathematics for mathematical modeling of phenomena and objects in professional activities in the specialty.

FC12 - Knowledge of the basics of setting and solving problems of designing parameters of products and processes

FC13 - Awareness in the field of kinematic and force interaction of elements of systems of material objects within the specialty.

FK14 - Basic knowledge in the field of numerical methods for solving algebraic and differential equations and their systems, finding extremums of functions with constraint, determining the stress-strain state of aircraft and helicopter structures.

FC15 - Ability to develop design, organizational, technical and regulatory documentation for the design of production and testing of aircraft.

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