Program learning outcomes (PRN) | ХАІ
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Program learning outcomes (PRN)

PRN1 - Formulate the purpose and objectives of the study, identify priorities for solvingproblems, select and create evaluation criteria.

PRN2 - Apply modern research methods, evaluate and present the results of work performed.

PRN3 - Use the laws and methods of mathematics, natural sciences, humanities and economics in solving professional problems, including the solution of non-standard problems that require in-depth analysis of their essence from a natural science standpoint.

PRN4 -Improve professional activities, decision-making methodology and developments in the direction of improving aviation safety.

PRN5 - Have a full set of legal and regulatory acts in the field of aviation safety related to the object of professional activity.

PRN6 - Use the achievements of science and technology in professional activities.

PRN7 - Prepare reviews, publications based on the results of research. PRN8 - Perform a patent search and prepare materials for applications for intellectual property documents.

PRN9 - Prepare, plan and conduct training sessions in educational organizations.

PRN10 - To organize the work of teams of performers in order to achieve this goal, to adopt and implement management decisions in a range of opinions, to determine the order of work on the design of production and testing of aircraft.

PRN11 - Apply mathematical theory of organization and planning of the experiment, develop research plans, choose algorithms for processing measurement information, as well as use the necessary software to automate calculations.

PRN12 - To develop production programs for maintenance, service, repair and other services in the operation of aircraft on the basis of deep fundamental and special knowledge.

PRN13 - Apply basic knowledge in the field of aerohydrodynamics, basic knowledge to describe the interaction of bodies with air and hydraulic environment.

PRN14 - Apply basic knowledge in the field of mathematics for mathematical modeling of phenomena and objects in professional activities in the specialty.

PRN15 - Apply basic knowledge of the basics of setting and solving problems of designing parameters of products and processes.

PRN16 - Apply basic knowledge of kinematic and force interaction of elements of systems of material objects within the specialty.

PRN17 - Apply basic knowledge in the field of numerical methods for solving algebraic and differential equations and their systems, search for extremums of functions with constraint, determination of stress- strain state of aircraft and helicopter structures.

PRN18 - To develop design, organizational, technical and regulatory and methodological documentation for the design of production and testing of aircraft.

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