Resource support for the implementation of program | ХАІ
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Resource support for the implementation of program


Research and teaching staff, providing educational and professional qualifications for the program, meet the profile and direction of subjects taught have the requiredexperience teaching and practical experience, have degrees and / or rank meet the licensing requirements

Material and technical support:

The educational process takes place in lecture halls, classrooms and laboratories equipped with public projection and media equipment, computers and the necessary specialized laboratory equipment. Logistics allows to fully ensure the educational process throughout the training cycle of the educational-professional program. The condition of the premises is certified by sanitary and technical passports that comply with existing regulations

Information and teaching / learning materials:

Fund of the Scientific and Technical Library of the National Aerospace University  "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" contains a complete information support of all educational components of the educational and scientific program "Maintenance and repair of aircraft and aircraft engines", both on traditional media and audio, video, CD, DVD disks, network electronic documents. The educational process is provided by educational and methodical complexes of disciplines both in printed form and in electronic form.

Предметні олімпіади у форматі НМТ