Program learning outcomes | ХАІ
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Program learning outcomes (PLO)

PLO1 Be able to search for information in the literature, using a variety of resources: journals, databases, on-line resources.

PLO2 Be able to applyteaching methods in certain disciplines of the specialty

PLO3 Be able to use the acquired knowledge, with the help of analytical apparatus and logical thinking, be able to apply them in research.

PLO4 To know and be able to apply risk measures, evaluate and use them in research.

PLO5 Be able to use economic laws in the process of scientific research and experimentation.

PLO6 Be able to use the skills acquired in scientific research, necessary for effective pedagogical and teaching activities.

PLO7 Be able to use the acquired skills to organize activities and communicate with management and colleagues

PLO8 To demonstrate the ability to express themselves orally and in writing in their native language the results of scientific research.

PLO9  To name and define the main English concepts in scientific research.

PLO10 Be able to develop creative abilities, to look for and apply non-standard approaches to decision-making in scientific researches.

PLO11 Be able to demonstrate an understanding of modern methods of research, mathematical methods, information technologies, experimental methods used in research practice.

PLO12 Be able to navigate in patent information and documentation, research and expertly formulate signs of novelty in information processing and management systems that are developed, apply for inventions, be able to analyze technical solutions to determine their defense capability and patent purity.

PLO13 Be able to present and discuss scientific results in a foreign language (English or other, according to the specifics of the specialty) in oral and written forms, to participate in scientific discussions and conferences.

PLO14 Be able to provide mathematical content to a particular practical problem and apply the basic methods of higher mathematics to solve problems.

PLO15 Be able to bring the solution of the problem to an acceptable form ‑numbers, graphs, diagrams and use mathematical literature.

PLO16 Be able to apply statistical methods in the analysis of production and economic activities and based on the results of the analysis to dosubstantiated conclusions and proposals.

PLO17 Be able to combine the theory of statistics with economic practice in making management decisions

PLO18 Be able to characterize the organization of educational and upbringing processes in higher education.

PLO19 Be able to choose the optimal organizational forms and methods of teaching and education.

PLO20 Be able to identify and implement the didactic, educational and developmental purpose of the lesson; and to plan and conduct lectures, laboratory and practical classes at a high level.

PLO21 Be able to reasonably choose and use modern teaching aids, a set of forms and methods of teaching and to analyze and self-analyze lectures, laboratory and practical classes.

PLO22 Be able to organize constructive communication of graduate students in a foreign language.

PLO23 Be able to use the principles of organization of the educational process in higher education.

PLO24 Be able to draw up mandatory documentation (individual work plan of the teacher, curriculum, work program, journals, write reports, etc.)

PLO25 Be able to design teaching aids and textbooks according to the structure and rules of design.

PLO26 Be able to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of philosophical issues, especially in the field of modern philosophy and methodology of science.

PLO27 Be able to intellectually interact with the latest philosophical research in a special field of research.

PLO28 To have the ability to philosophically substantiate their own position on contemporary socio-humanitarian issues.