Graduate competencies | ХАІ
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HomeEducationPower MachineryGraduate competencies

Graduate competencies

Integral competence:

Ability for solving complex problems in area of professional and/or research and innovation activity in power engineering, which involves fundamental re-thinking of actual and creation of new integrated knowledge and/or professional practice.

General competencies (GC):

GC01. Ability for abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis.

GC02. Ability for searching, processing and analysis of information from different sources.

GC03. Ability for working in international context.

GC04. Ability for projects development and control

Professional competencies (PC):

PC01. Ability for making original researches, reaching scientific results, which create the new knowledge in power engineering and touching interdisciplinary directions and may be published in leading scientific editions for electric engineering and related industries.

PC02. Ability for oral and writing presentation and discussion of scientific researches results and/or innovation developments in Ukrainian and foreign languages, deep understanding of foreign texts in the area of researches.

PC03. Ability for implementing of modern information technologies, databases, and other electronic resources, specialized software in scientific and educational activity.

PC04. Ability for scientific-pedagogical activity in higher education area.

PC05. Ability for formulation and solving of problems of research character in scientific cognition, estimating and ensuring quality of researches.

PC06. Ability for initiating, developing and implementing complex innovation projects in power engineering and interdisciplinary projects, their presentation at international conferences, symposiums.

PC07. Ability for upholding ethical standards of researches, and rules of academic honesty in scientific researches and scientific-pedagogical activity.

PC08. Ability for forming of systematical scientific outlook, professional ethics, and general cultural outlook.

PC09. Ability for producing new ideas and solving complex problems of scientific cognition, and for implementation of modern methodologies, methods and instruments of pedagogical and scientific activity in power engineering.

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