Program learning outcomes | ХАІ
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HomeEducationPower MachineryProgram learning outcomes

Program learning outcomes (PRE)

PRE01. Have progressive conceptual and methodological knowledge in power engineering and on bounds of subject areas, and research skills that are enough for making scientific and applied researches at a global level in the respective area, getting new knowledge and/or making innovations.

PRE02. Present and discuss freely results of researches with specialists and not specialists results of researches, scientific and applied problems of power engineering in the state and foreign language, attract results of researches in scientific publications in the leading international scientific issues.

PRE03. Formulate and check hypotheses; use foolproof evidences for grounding conclusions, in particular, results of theoretical analysis, experimental researches (surveys, observations, …) and mathematical or numerical simulation, actual literature data.

PRE04. Develop, design, modernize complex objects of power engineering, form requirements to them, analyze adequacy of designing method.

PRE05. Design and execute experimental and/or theoretical researches in power engineering and related interdisciplinary directions using modern instruments, make critical analysis of results of own researches and researches of other scientists in a context of all complex knowledge for the researched problem.

PRE06. Apply methods of experiment designing using instrumental tools (measuring devices) and process results of researches, estimate adequacy of results.

PRE07. Develop and implement scientific and/or innovation engineering projects, which enable redefining actual and create new all-wise knowledge and/or professional practice and solve significant scientific and technological problems of power engineering with adherence to norms of academic ethics and taking into account social, economical, ecological and legal aspects.

PRE08. Understand general principles and methods of power engineering, methodology of scientific researches, implement them in own researches in power engineering and educational practice.

PRE09. Study, generalize and implement into the educational process innovations of power engineering.

PRE10. Search and critically analyze information, conceptualize and realize scientific projects in power engineering.

PRE11. Control content, schedule, cost, quality, risks, human resources and communications of scientific-research projects in aerospace industry according to requirements of international standards.

PRE12. Know modern approaches and tools for simulation of working processes in the researched objects and processes of control, including aerospace industry; be able to create new, modernize and develop models of systems and elements of power engineering objects.

PRE13. Know main reasons of a strength life-time depletion of power engineering equipment, be able to determine service life of main parts and form systems of maintenance life-time monitoring.

PRE14. Know bases of philosophy, modern trends, directions and regularities of domestic and world science in conditions of globalization, and be able to apply them to scientific and research professional activity in different areas, including aerospace industry.

Предметні олімпіади у форматі НМТ