Viktor Usik | ХАІ
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HomeEducationViktor Usik

Viktor Usik

Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics,
Mechanical Engineering and Robotic Mechanical Systems
of the Faculty of Aviation Engines of the National Aerospace University
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Усік Віктор Васильович

Е-mail: [email protected] 



November 1974

Doctor of Philosophy in the heat engines of aircrafts, National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Dissertation title: confidential

February 1963

Master of Science in the aircraft engines, National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Research Interests:

Supports of the turbomachine rotors, sliding bearings working on environmentally friendly liquids.

Research Experience:

Cooperation with DB "YUZHNOE" (Dnipro). Research of sliding bearings of power plant rotors: executor.

Cooperation with the Institute of Nuclear Energy (Minsk, Republic of Belarus). Development and research of efficiency of units of rotors of power plants: the responsible executor.

Cooperation with JSC "Turboatom" (Kharkov). Research of sliding bearings of steam and gas turbines working on environmentally friendly liquids: executor.

Grant from the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine (SCST, project 5.01.01 / 056-92). Development of a system of diagnostics and control and efficiency of bearings of steam and gas turbines, which use environmentally friendly liquids as lubricants: responsible manager.

Teaching and Mentoring Experience:

From March 1979 to the present - Assistant professor of Department of Theoretical Mechanics, Engineering and Robomechanical Systems, National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”.

From 1968 to 1979 - Senior Teacher of Department of Theoretical Mechanics, Engineering and Robomechanical Systems, National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”.

From March 1963 to 1968 - Assistant, Department of Theoretical Mechanics, Engineering and Robomechanical Systems, National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”. 

The main lecture courses:

- Theory of Machines and Mechanisms

- Design of Machine Elements

- Lifting and transport equipment in production.

Technical Skills:

Computer aided design/engineering: Kompas

Other: Windows OS




French: Fluentо


Гидростатические опоры роторов быстроходных машин./Н.П. Артёменко, В.Н. Доценко, Ф, Ф, Кузьминов,А, И, Поддубный, В, В, Усик, А. И. Чайка. -Харьков:"Основа" при Гос. ун-те,1992.- 197 с.


Methodological Publications:

Доценко В.Н., Ковеза Ю.В., Пшеничных С.И., Усик В.В. Испытания деталей машин. Учеб. пособие. – Харьков: Нац. аэрокосм. ун-т «Харьк. авиац. ин-т», 2007. – 119 с.

Доценко В.Н., Павленко В.Н., Ковеза Ю.В., Кузьминов Ф.Ф., Пшеничных С.И., Усик В.В. Проектирование узлов и агрегатов авиационно-космической техники. Учеб. пособие. ‒ Харьков: Нац. аэрокосм. ун-т «Харьк. авиац. ин-т», 2013. 309 с.

Доценко В.М. Павленко В.М., Ковеза Ю.В., Кузьмінов Ф.Ф., Пшеничних С.I., Усик В.В. Основи проектування механічних вузлів авіаційно-космічної техніки. Навч.посібник Х.: Нац. аро-косм. ун-т ім. М.Є. Жуковського «Харк. авіац. ін-т», 2015. – 328 с.