123 Computer Engineering | ХАІ
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HomeEducationAll specialties123 Computer Engineering

123 Computer Engineering

The objects of activity of graduates of this specialty are software and technical means (hardware, software, reconfigurable, system and application software) of computers and computer systems of universal and special purpose, including stationary, mobile, embedded, distributed, etc. local, global computer networks and the Internet, cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things, IT-infrastructures, interfaces and interaction protocols of their components, information processes, technologies, methods, methods and systems for research, automated and automatic design; debugging, production and operation of software and technical means, design documentation, standards, procedures and means of supporting the life cycle management of the specified software and technical means, methods and methods of information processing, mathematical models of computational processes, technologies for performing calculations, including high-performance, parallel, distributed, mobile, web-based and cloud-based, green (energy-efficient), secure, autonomous, adaptive, intelligent, smart, etc., architecture and organization of the functioning of relevant software and technical means, methods of submitting, receiving, storing, transmitting, processing and protecting information in computers, mathematical models of computing processes, computing technologies, including high-performance, parallel, distributed, mobile, web-based and cloud, green (energy-efficient), safe, autonomous, adaptive, intelligent, smart, etc., architecture and organization of functions i appropriate software and technical means.

The purpose of training is to train specialists who are able to independently use and implement computer engineering technologies and to train specialists who are able to solve complex tasks of a research and innovation nature in the field of computer engineering.

Preparation is carried out at the Department of computer systems, networks and cyber security (department 503) 

Training is conducted according to the following educational programs:

Educational programEducational degree (curriculum templates)Form of studyTerm of studyCost of study
Computer Systems and NetworksBachelor's degree based on complete general secondary educationFull-time and part-time3 years and 10 months-
System ProgrammingFull-time
Computer Systems and NetworksMaster's degree, educational and professional programFull-time and part-time1 year and 4 months-
System ProgrammingFull-time
System ProgrammingMaster's degree, educational and scientific programFull-time1 year and 9 monthsLink
Computer EngineeringPhDFull-time and part-time4 years