133 Industrial Machinery Engineering | ХАІ
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HomeEducationAll specialties133 Industrial Machinery Engineering

133 Industrial Machinery Engineering

The objects of activity of graduates of this specialty are system engineering for the creation of technical objects of mechanical engineering and their operation, which includes:

- processes, equipment and organization of branch machine-building production and branch enterprises;

- means and methods of testing and quality control of engineering products and operation at industry enterprises;

- systems of technical documentation, metrology and standardization;

- machines, equipment, complexes, methods and current lines of machine-building production, technologies and means of their design, research, manufacture, operation and disposal.

The purpose of training is to justify, develop new and improve existing technical objects of mechanical engineering; to develop new and improve existing technological processes of production and disposal of engineering products; apply modern design methods based on the modeling of technical objects and processes of industrial engineering; training of specialists capable of solving complex tasks and problems of industrial mechanical engineering.

Preparation is carried out at the departments:

- Department of Theoretical Mechanics, Machine Science and Robotic Mechanical Systems (Department 202);

- Department of graphic geometry and computer modeling (department 406)

Training is conducted according to the following educational programs:

Educational programEducational degreeForm of studyTerm of study
Computer EngineeringBachelor's degree based on complete general secondary educationFull-time3 years and 10 months
Computer Design and 3D Modeling
Computer EngineeringMaster's degree, educational and professional programFull-time1 year and 4 months