Regulations for access to scientific equipment of the center of collective use | ХАІ
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HomeScienceCenter for collective use of scientific equipmentRegulations for access to scientific equipment of the center of collective use

Regulation of access to scientific equipment
of the center of collective use of scientific equipment
«Creation and research of aerospace objects and systems»

1. General provisions 

1.1. This regulation defines the conditions of access to the scientific equipment of the Center for collective use of scientific equipment "Creation and research of aerospace objects and systems" (hereinafter - the Center) and its use for materials science research by full-time scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers and persons studying at the National Aerospace University named after M.E. Zhukovsky "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" (hereinafter - the University), scientists from other institutions of higher education and/or other external customers.

1.2. The Regulation applies in the part that does not contradict the current legislation of Ukraine, the normative base of the national and intra-university levels, including the Law of Ukraine "On scientific and scientific and technical activities" and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which approved the "List of paid services that can to be provided by educational institutions, other institutions and institutions of the education system belonging to the state and communal form of ownership" (with changes and additions) and the Regulation on the Center for Collective Use of Scientific Equipment "Creation and Research of Aerospace Objects and Systems".

1.3. The regulations are posted on the official website of the University.

1.4. Financing of the Center's activities is carried out at the expense of funds from the general and/or special fund of the University, including:

- general university funds (main activity);

- basic financing of the University's scientific activities;

- targeted functioning of the Center's activities;

- state budget research works, business contracts and grants;

- funds received from legal entities and individuals for the provision of relevant paid services;

- charitable aid from organizations, enterprises, citizens, which came to support the Center's activities;

- overhead costs of the scientific and research part;

- other sources not prohibited by current legislation.

1.5. Documents according to the orders for conducting research by the Center, acts of acceptance and handover of completed works, other documents are developed by the head of the Center and agreed with the research department

2. Access to scientific equipment of the Center for Employees of Structural Subdivisions of the National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

2.1. In the case of research carried out within the framework of state-targeted scientific and scientific-technical programs, scientific-research works and scientific-technical (experimental) developments, which are financed from the funds of the general fund of the state budget, grants from state and international funds, material and technical support is carried out at the expense of funds for scientific research or basic funding of the University's scientific activity, and the payment of the Center's employees is made within working hours at the expense of the basic salary. With:

- research is conducted by a responsible employee of the Center with the participation of the applicant or by the applicant himself with the participation of a responsible employee of the Center;

- the applicant submits an application in the name of the head of the Center, agreed with the head of the research department, indicating the purpose of the research, their tasks, estimated deadlines and the name and registration number of the research work;

- the head of the Center determines the executor and, if necessary, adjusts the scope and term of work.

2.2. In the case of research carried out within the framework of the implementation of scientific economic contracts by the structural units of the University, the works are financed from the funds of these contracts, which should be provided for in the relevant estimates.

2.3. In the case of studies within the framework of scientific and research works performed within the working hours of the professorial staff of the University, and studies within the framework of qualification works, dissertations of the Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science, by persons studying, the works are financed in accordance with the established procedure:

- research is conducted by a responsible employee of the Center with the participation of the applicant, or by the applicant himself with the participation of a responsible employee of the Center;

- the applicant submits an application in the name of the head of the Center, agreed with the head of the research department, indicating the purpose of the research, their tasks, estimated deadlines and the name and registration number of the research work or qualification (dissertation) work;

- the head of the Center determines the executor and, if necessary, adjusts the scope and term of work. 

3. Access to the scientific equipment of the Center for representatives of higher education institutions specified by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine

3.1. The condition for granting access to the Center's equipment free of charge to the Center's co-organizers is the performance of research within the framework of scientific research works or scientific and technical (experimental) developments financed from the state budget.

3.2. To conduct research, the applicant submits a letter of application to the vice-rector for scientific work of the University, indicating the purpose of the research, its tasks, and the name and state registration number of the scientific research work or scientific and technical (experimental) development, within the framework of which there was a need to conduct research using the Center's equipment.

3.3. After reviewing the application letter, the vice-rector for scientific work of the University makes a decision on the use of the Center's equipment for conducting research free of charge, or after concluding the appropriate contract with the applicant in the prescribed manner.

3.4. After making the appropriate decision, the vice-rector for scientific work sends a letter of application to the head of the Center for the organization of research or to the head of the scientific research unit to conclude the appropriate contract.

3.5. Research is conducted by a responsible employee of the Center, as a rule, with the participation of a representative of the applicant.

4. Access to the scientific equipment of the Center in case of provision of paid services

4.1. Paid services are provided by the Center on the basis of contracts between the University and other individuals and legal entities. Contracts are concluded and agreed upon in the prescribed manner.

4.2. To conduct research within the framework of contracts, the applicant sends a letter to the University stating the purpose and tasks of conducting research using the Center's equipment.

4.3. The letter is considered by the rector, vice-rector for scientific work or the head of the scientific research unit and is sent to the head of the Center to study the possibility of conducting research by the appropriate structural unit with the goals and objectives specified in the letter.

4.4. If it is possible to ensure the fulfillment of the purpose, tasks and terms of the research, a contract is concluded between the University and the applicant in accordance with the established procedure. As a rule, contracts are executed by structural subdivisions on whose balance sheet the equipment is located.

4.5. The performance of contracts for the provision of paid services is accounted for in the order established for these types of activities. At the same time, cost estimates for the execution of works are developed by the research department in accordance with the current regulatory framework of the University.

4.6. Payment for the services of the Center is made to the appropriate account of the University in accordance with the established procedure.

4.7. Accounting and financial operations are provided by the relevant departments of the University in the established order.

5. Final provisions

5.1. The regulation of access to scientific equipment of the Center for collective use is signed by the head of the research department and agreed by the vice-rector for scientific work and the leading legal adviser of the University.

5.2. The regulation of access to the scientific equipment of the collective use center is approved by the rector of the University and is put into effect by his order.

5.3. Changes and/or additions to this Regulation are made in the manner established for its adoption.