Building Resilience in Challenging Environments | ХАІ
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International Interdisciplinary Conference
«Building Resilience in Challenging Environments»

We invite established and early-career scholars, postgraduate students based at universities and research institutions, members of law enforcement agencies, charity organisation and other stakeholders to take part in the International Interdisciplinary Conference. 


- To participate in the conference, please fill out the application online

- Official languages of the conference: Ukrainian, English.

- Conference participation is free.

- Form of participation: online (Microsoft Teams).

- Each participant will be provided with acertificate of attendance. 

Panel Discussion Themes:

- Engineering Science;

- Law, Business, Management. 

Abstract information

Conference participants wishing to make presentations should email paper abstracts of up to 200 words to the organisers on [email protected] by 29.05.2023. Acceptance decisions will be emailed by organisers 01.06.2023 

The University of Bristol will publish papers from presentations in conference proceedings within two months of the conference. If you wish for your paper to appear in the publication, please email the organisers on [email protected] finished papers to the organisers by 30.06.2023

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