Kuznetsov Scientific School | ХАІ
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HomeScienceScientific schoolsKuznetsov Scientific School

Kuznetsov Scientific School

A promising direction of research at the department is the socio-philosophical and methodological understanding of the phenomenon of marginality under the leadership of Professor Anatoliy Kuznetsov, who headed the department from 2000 to 2011. The most important scientific results and methodological developments on this topic were reflected in candidate theses: I. V . in the genesis of the information society", 2006), V. O. Danilyana ("The formation and development of the information society in the era of globalization (social and philosophical analysis, 2006), N. V. Pustovit "The nature of the axiosphere of the information society", 2015 .), O. V. Chernienko "Methodology of the identity of a social subject", 2018)

Kuznetsov A.Yu. led active work on the development of courses for students and postgraduates - "Methodology of scientific research", "Didactics of the higher school", "Comparative analysis of world religions", etc.

On the initiative of A. Yu. Kuznetsov, the National Aerospace University named after M.E. Zhukovsky "KHAI" and the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine became the founders of the scientific-educational-production complex "Academy of Distance Education" (ADO), which united about 40 national universities of Ukraine. Anatoliy Yuriyovych was elected a member of the council. He is a member of the editorial board of the journals "Bulletin of the Academy of Distance Education", "Humanitarian Magazine", participates in the International Congress of Philosophy in Greece, and is published in the anthologies of Hungary, Germany, and Japan.

In 2016, the department opened a postgraduate program in the specialty "Philosophy". Currently, three graduate students are studying at the department, who are conducting research in the problematic field of socio-philosophical foundations of marginal societies and the philosophy of the identity of a social subject in the context of socio-cultural transformations. Professors and associate professors of the department have developed special courses, within which graduate students study the problems of social philosophy, philosophy of history, globalization processes of modernity, problems of morphology and typology of history, etc.

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