Protsenko Scientific School | ХАІ
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HomeScienceScientific schoolsProtsenko Scientific School

Protsenko Scientific School

As a result of the scientific-theoretical studies of current problems of philosophical knowledge conducted at the department under the leadership of Professor Olga Protsenko, a direction was formed in which scientists turned to the interpretation of the axiological dimension of the socio-cultural space of modern society. The result of this work was the study of various phenomena of the social and cultural space, which opened a wide path to the scientific world for their authors: Y. M. Kundenko ("Everyday life as a reality of cultural reality", 1999), O. Yu. Oleniniy ("Advertising as the phenomenon of artistic culture", 2000), V. B. Selevku ("The temple as a cultural universality of human social existence", 2004), M. I. Dmytrenko "Business communication as a phenomenon of social reality", 2006), E. A Melnyk ("Ritual as a sociocultural phenomenon", 2010), S. I. Shirokii "Stereotype of behavior in modern communicative culture", 2010).

Among the post-graduate students who defended themselves at the department, professors O. Yu. Olenina, M. O. Dmytrenko later obtained the title of Doctor of Philosophical Sciences.

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