Information for foreign students | ХАІ
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HomeStudentCampusInformation for foreign students

Information for foreign students

Basic principles of settlement and living in university dormitories.

The decision to provide a person with living space in a dormitory is made by the director of the Student Campus.

In the event of a decision to grant a person living space in a dormitory, the administration of the Student Campus shall issue to such a person a warrant for a living space in a dormitory (hereinafter referred to as a warrant) of the established form with the simultaneous conclusion of a contract for renting a living space/a bed in a living space in a dormitory. The address of the dormitory and the room number are indicated in the order.

Accommodation in university dormitories is carried out for the academic year, including the vacation period, unless otherwise stipulated by the contract.

Principles of settlement of foreign students and graduate students.

The Faculty of Training of Foreign Citizens provides information on the number of trainees of the preparatory department, students, post-graduate students from among foreign citizens and agrees with the administration of the campus on the distribution of housing stock for their accommodation.

Settlement of foreign trainees of the preparatory department, students, postgraduates is carried out after passing the relevant medical examination, on the basis of the enrollment order and upon the presence of a referral for settlement provided by the dean of the faculty for the training of foreign citizens.

Fees for accommodation in university dormitories.

The amount of fees for living in dormitories is set by the rector at the request of the administration of the Student Campus and in agreement with the student self-government body.

Fees for living in dormitories are paid by residents in the order and terms established by the contract for renting a living space/a bed in a living space in a dormitory.

The specific amount of fees for living in dormitories is calculated in accordance with legislation, tariffs, the procedure for calculating utilities, depending on the level of comfort of housing. The payment for accommodation in the dormitories of the Student Town is made by the residents of the dormitories for the entire period of stay, including during the vacation period. The size of the fee for living in a dormitory may change when the relevant tariffs are changed in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. The basic cost of accommodation consists of the cost of maintaining a bed and housing and communal services. Compulsory bed maintenance services provided to dormitory residents include:

- maintenance of hostel equipment;

- disinfection, deratization and disinsection;

- security and fire alarm;

- ongoing repair of dormitory buildings and its equipment;

- washing and renewal of linen;

- material support for keeping premises clean.

The amount of the accommodation fee depends on the number of residents in the room, the type of dormitory and the area of the room.

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