Ecole Centrale de Nantes, French Republic | ХАІ
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Academic mobility
from Ecole Centrale de Nantes, French Republic

In 2016, an academic mobility program was launched with Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France), according to which students of Khai in the third or fourth year of the bachelor's degree or the first or second year of the master's degree have the opportunity to study during the semester at one of the partner universities abroad in the following areas:

1. Master of Civil Engineering (GC);

2. EMship advanced design;

3. Masters of Engineering in Automatic Control, Robotics and Applied Informatics:

- Automatic control, Signal and Image (ASI);

- Advanced robotics (ROBA);

- Real time, steering and supervision (TRCS);

4. Master of Engineering in Applied Mechanics: 

- Fluid dynamic and transfer;

- Mechanical Engineering;

- Civil Engineering;

5. Foundation Master.

Language requirements: English. The applicant must be fluent in both written and spoken English (level B2).

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