Regulations on the distance learning course | ХАІ
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Regulations on the distance learning course
at National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»

Approved by:
Academic Council
of National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»
Protocol No. 4 of October 26, 2016

СУЯ ХАІ-ЦОП-П/008:2016

Date of introduction October 27, 2016

Edition No. 1

1. General regulations

1.1 Regulations on the distance learning course (hereinafter, the Regulations) are developed in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine: "On Higher Education", the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated 25.06.2016 № 344/2013 "On National Strategy for Education in Ukraine until 2021"; Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 903 dated 02.12.2004 "On approval of the Rules for the use of computer programs in educational institutions", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 369 dated 15.05.2006 "On approval of temporary requirements for pedagogical software", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 466 dated 25.04 .2013 "On approval of the Regulations on distance learning", the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №910/23442 dated 07.06.2013 "On licensing of economic activities", Cabinet Resolution dated  30.12.2015 № 1187 "On approval of licensing conditions for educational activities of educational institutions", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science "On systematization of experience of using electronic educational resources" dated 12.01.2016, № 9, the regulations of National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» (hereinafter, the University) "Time norms for planning and recording of research and teaching staff in the organization of the educational process on distance educational technologies", "Regulations on distance learning".

1.2 The Regulation defines the structure, requirements for the content and design of sections, methodological and program-technical conditions of application of the distance learning course (hereinafter, DLC) of the discipline at the University.

1.3 DLC is designed for students studying at the University in full-time, part-time (distance) forms in order to increase access to quality education, providing opportunities for individual learning, self-education and systematization of experience in using electronic educational resources at the University.

1.4 In this Regulation, terms and concepts are used in the following meanings:

- distance learning (hereinafter, DL) is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, abilities and ways of human cognitive activity, which occurs mainly through the indirect interaction of distant participants in the learning process in a specialized environment that operates on the basis of modern psychological and pedagogical and information and communication technologies;

- DL technologies are a set of educational technologies, including psychological-pedagogical and information-communication ones, which provide an opportunity to implement the process of distance learning;

- psychological and pedagogical technologies of DL is a system of tools and techniques, the consistent implementation of which ensure the implementation of tasks of studying, education and personal development;

- information and communication technologies of DL are technologies of creation, accumulation, storage and access to web resources (electronic resources) of educational disciplines, and also maintenance of the organization and support of educational process by means of the specialized software and means of information and communication communication, including the Internet;

- web environment of DL is a systematically organized set of web resources for educational purposes (distance learning courses), software for their management and distance learning management;

- web resources of the discipline is a set of electronic educational information and teaching aids necessary for mastering the discipline, which is available to students (listeners) via the Internet (local network) using a web browser and/ or other software;

- distance course includes web resources of the discipline, combined with a single pedagogical scenario, designed to organize individual and group learning of students using the technologies of DL;

- subjects of DL are those who study (students) and persons who provide DL (scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical workers, administrators, curriculum coordinators, etc.);

- the teacher-developer of the course, the teacher-organizer, who is responsible for holding classes in the conditions of DL, the tutor-teacher who helps students in the educational and cognitive process in the conditions of DL;

- asynchronous mode of DL is interaction of students with teachers with a delay in time using e-mail, forums, social networks, etc.;

- synchronous mode of DL is a remote interaction of students with teachers, during which all participants are simultaneously in the web environment of DL (audio, video conferences, social networks, etc.);

- web resources management system of the discipline is a set of software for creating, storing, accumulating and transmitting web resources to students, as well as providing access to the subjects of DL (teachers, administrators, curriculum coordinators, web resource developers) to these web resources;

- forum is a form of work of research and teaching staff on a particular topic or problem using text (or multimedia) messages stored in the Moodle system or on the University platform (or chat, Skype, VK, etc.).

1.5 A research and teaching staff worker of the University creates, edits and teaches distance learning courses, assesses the knowledge (level of preparation, mastering the material) of students based on the results of practical and laboratory classes, tasks, tests.

1.6 The teacher-organizer who is responsible for the DL at the department, is appointed by Head of the department. The teacher-organizer in cooperation with the author of the distance course monitors the preparation of distance learning materials at the department in the relevant disciplines. If necessary, the teacher-organizer provides advice to teachers of the department on the peculiarities of creating, editing and filling distance courses, as well as organizing studying using DL technologies, namely obtaining logins and passwords for students and teachers of departments.

1.7 Access to the DLC is provided by the University platform ( and the electronic learning management system Moodle (url -

1.8 DLCs are prepared, tested by the author of the course, pass examination for quality and updating by the relevant departments and submitted to the Scientific and Methodological Commission (hereinafter, SMC) of the University for approval in the relevant fields of knowledge.

1.9 The author of the course can place on the platform of the University or in the Moodle system the DLCs, which have passed the examination and approved by the SMC of the University.

1.10 Planning of the work of scientific and pedagogical workers for development of DLC is carried out according to the regulation "Time norms for planning and recording of work of scientific and pedagogical workers at the organization of educational process on distance educational technologies".

2. General requirements for the distance learning course 

2.1 The DLC must contain materials sufficient for the student to master the full range of knowledge, skills and abilities provided by the working curriculum of the discipline.

2.2 The amount of educational and methodical material for the DLC is determined by the number of credits allocated to this discipline by the curriculum. The total amount of symbols per credit is equal to at least 40,000 characters for disciplines of professional studying and not less than 60,000 characters for disciplines of social and humanitarian block (font 14 pt., Arial, single space, excluding tables and figures).

2.3 Access to the DLC is personalized. Students and research and teaching staff receive a login and password from the administrator of the electronic resource of the department of distance educational technologies (room 307 at Impulse Building, e-mail: [email protected])

2.4 Revision of the DLC for compliance with the work program, the state of science and practice in this field, accessibility and effectiveness in the organization of cognitive activity of students is performed by the teacher annually. The author is responsible for the quality and updating of the DLC.

3. The structure of the distance learning course 

3.1 The DLC must meet the requirements of educational standards, in force at the University, in terms of the content, scope and level of educational and professional training and regulatory documents for the development of teaching materials, curriculums and the structure of the DLC, given in Table 1. 

Table 1 – Structure of the distance learning course

Section name

Contents of the section


General information about the course

1. Name of the course

2. Information about the author (authors).

3. Abstract.

4. Course program (discipline program).

5. Methodical recommendations on the use of a distance course (general methodical instructions for studying the discipline, methodical instructions on the sequence of study and peculiarities of control, methodical recommendations on the organization of independent work of students).

6. Studying schedule.

7. Glossary.

8. Sources of information.


Educational information and methodical recommendations for studying.

1. Theoretical educational material: electronic lectures; presentations; audio lectures; video lectures; links to Internet resources; textbook files, selections of articles or fragments of textbooks, etc.

2. Practical materials: practical, laboratory work, term papers, homework, individual assignments, etc.

3. Methodical materials for the study of theoretical material.

4. Methodical materials for practical and laboratory work, homework and individual assignments, essays, etc.

5. Modular control: control questions, typical tasks, tests for self-control, reference answers, modular tests, etc.


Final certification

Computer tests, control tasks, control questions, etc.

3.2 General information about the course includes:

3.2.1 Name of the course according to the curriculum.

3.2.2 Last name, first name, patronymic of the author (authors) of the content part, who took part in the creation of the distance course, in particular the authors of both the content part of the course and the authors of the design and programming. The list of authors is submitted with the indication of authorship for each element, as well as with the provision of information on scientific degrees and academic titles of the authors (an example is given in Annex A).

3.2.3 Abstract, which covers the following issues: a full title of the course, brief description of the course, a list of modules (sections) of the course with a brief summary of the content of each module, consisting of a total of 1800 - 2500 characters with spaces depending on the number of credits, font Arial, 14 pt. The abstract should help the student decide how useful the course material will be, what knowledge they will gain and how they will be able to apply it in the future. The abstract is prepared in any form (an example is given in Annex A).

3.2.4 The course syllabus should contain the text of the course syllabus, which defines the goals, objectives, content and scope of the discipline. The syllabus should be located in the form of different resources: a file to download, a page (web page) or URL (web link) to the resource where the syllabus is located (an example is given in Annex B).

3.2.5 Methodical recommendations on the use of a distance course. These recommendations are a set of explanations and instructions that help the student to effectively organize the learning process (an example is given in Annex B):

- on studying the discipline;

- on performing tests, practical and laboratory work;

- on organizing independent work;

- on determining the number of control tasks that must be performed for admission to certification tests in the discipline;

- on determining the form of tests and knowledge assessment criteria (an example is given in Annex D).

3.2.6 The study schedule is developed on the basis of the work program and according to the schedule of the educational process by correspondence (or full-time) form of study at the University. The study schedule should determine the methodological sequence of studying topics, the distribution of study weeks by type of classes, forms of control, assessment criteria (distribution of points received by students), as well as types of classes and control and their duration conducted by the teacher (example in Annex E ).

3.2.7 The glossary has a list of terms, key concepts (categories) of the course with a definition of their essence. When giving the content of terms and basic concepts the information should be concise in form and clear in content. The terms are arranged in alphabetical order (an example is given in Annex G).

3.2.8 Sources of information contain a list of reference literature, which includes basic, additional literature and information resources in the form of files or links to web pages. References should be provided for each module.

3.3 Educational information and methodological recommendations for their studying should be provided in the form of modules (or topics), each of which includes the following elements:

3.3.1 Theoretical material should include structured electronic materials that reflect the logic of teaching the course and provide the student with theoretical information on the initial discipline in full: electronic textbook (as a download file or URL link to the resource); structured electronic lecture notes; document files; URL link to information resources; multimedia presentations; audio or video materials; webinars, etc. (an example is given in Appendix K) and methodological materials for the study of theoretical educational material.

3.3.2 Practical materials (practical work, laboratory work or seminars) contain variants of tasks, evaluation criteria, a form of presentation of results, a type of carrying out (synchronous or asynchronous) and methodical materials for their performance.

3.3.3 Modular control includes control questions (before the test, exam); typical tasks (homework, tasks for tests, a list of topics of abstracts and course projects; individual task, an example of the correct answer to the task); tests for self-control and modular tests (examples of the correct answers to test tasks).

3.3.4 Final certification includes a final test, control tasks, control questions and other types of control,  and is conducted in person or remotely in the form of a test or an exam (according to the work program of the course) in order to assess the results of studying in a particular course.

4. Requirements for the technical design of teaching materials 

4.1 Preparation of the content of the distance course:

4.1.1 The content of the distance course is presented in a structured form and stored in the form of folders with files. The name of the folders must correspond to the structure of the distance course, and the name of the files of the contents of the relevant elements of the distance course is indicated by lowercase letters of the Latin alphabet.

4.1.2 Pictures and other visual materials are placed in a folder called images (format jpeg, gif, png, bmp). The file names of this folder must correspond to the relevant topics, sections, and other structural elements of the distance course.

4.1.3 Audio and video materials are placed in a folder called multi: YouTube (videos on YouTube); Vimeo (videos on Vimeo); .mp3; .mp4; .avi; .flv – Flash video, f4v – Flash video; .swf – Macromedia Flash animation file (Adobe, Inc.); .ogg – HTML 5 audio; .acc - HTML 5 audio; .webm – HTML 5 video; .m4v - HTML 5 video; .ogv – HTML 5 video. If other audio and video formats are required, separate proposals are accepted and agreed between the author of the course and the administrator of the University platform and Moodle in room 307 of Impulse building.

4.1.4 The content of the distance course is designed in accordance with the requirements for the preparation of educational and methodological materials for printing at the University.

4.2 Procedure for transmitting a test package.

4.2.1 Tests must be tested at the department. The author is responsible for the quality and relevance of tests and test tasks.

4.2.2 For each test, the author must prepare a test specification in the form of an OpenOffice document:

- test type (entrance, modular, thematic, final, etc.);

- maximum score for each test task;

- passing score;

- the number of test tasks that will be included in the test;

- time allotted for testing;

- system of assessment of test tasks;

- number of attempts;

- test tasks in the form of an OpenOffice document according to the appropriate template.

4.2.3 Pictures contained in the test tasks are presented as graphic files of jpeg, gif, png, bmp format in the folder ris_test.

4.3 Description of the DLC structure for implementation on the University platform and in the Moodle system.

4.3.1 To implement the DLC on the University platform and in the "Moodle" system, authors should describe the structure of the distance course in the form of an OpenOffice document: the sequence of elements of the distance course, their names, a planned type of educational activity, file names of teaching materials (example is given in Annex L).

4.3.2 The list of sections and elements of a distance course may be different, depending on the discipline.

4.3.3 Information on the structure of the distance course is prepared and printed by its author.

4.4 The order of preparation and transfer of educational and methodical materials for a distance course.

4.4.1 Educational and methodical materials for the creation of distance learning courses should be included by the departments in the plan of educational and methodical publications, and pass all the procedures for publishing educational and methodical materials at the University.

4.4.2 The department and the authors of the course are responsible for the structure, completeness and information content of the distance course.

5. The procedure for approving the structure and content of the DNC at the department

5.1 For approval of the DNC, the authors submit:

- educational and methodical materials of the DNC in electronic form;

- information on the structure of the distance course in printed form (see Annex L).

- Specification of the test in the form of a document Open Choice (see Annex H).

- Test tasks in the form of a file of the standard template Open Choice for test tasks.

5.2 DLC, which meet the requirements of quality, relevance and completeness, are agreed by the decision of the department, which is formalized by the relevant protocol. The extract of the meeting of the department is submitted according to the form given in the appendix P.

5.3 Educational and methodical materials together with the extract of the meeting of the department are transferred by branches for examination in the SMC of the University. Based on the results of the SMC review, the University draws a conclusion on the quality of the DLC (an example of the SMC conclusion is given in Annex P).

5.4 In case of a positive decision of the Scientific-Methodical Commission, the content of educational and methodical materials of the distance course is transferred in a printed form to the editorial department of the University for editing.

5.5 The author of the course can enter the DLC on the University platform and in the system "Moodle" according to the extract approved at the meeting of the department, a positive conclusion of the Scientific and Methodological Commission for the implementation of distance learning technologies on the completeness and quality of distance learning, and edited content of distance learning courses.

6. Final regulations 

6.1 The regulations on the DNC are agreed by the vice-rectors on scientific and pedagogical work, the head of SMC, the head of DETD (Distance Education Technology Department) and are approved by the academic council of the University.

6.2 The regulations are put into effect by the order of the Rector of the University.

6.3 Changes and / or additions to the Regulation shall be made in accordance with the procedure established for its adoption.


Appendix A

Example of submitting general information to a distance learning course

Course title: Macroeconomics

DLC authors: associate professor at Economics Department, Ph.D., Petrenko Konstantin Petrovich (e-mail: [email protected]), associate professor at Economics Department, Ph.D., Sidorov Mykola Ivanovych (e-mail: [email protected]).

Design of the content: senior lecturer at Economics Department Kornienko Yuriy Mykhaylovych (e-mail: [email protected]), senior engineer at Economics Department Surkova Vira Petrivna (e-mail: [email protected]).

Development of virtual laboratory work: associate professor at Economics Department, Ph.D. Ryzhkov Dmitro Sergiyovych (e-mail: [email protected]), student of group 635 El, Sobolev Igor (e-mail: [email protected]).

Course abstract (total volume 1800 – 2500 characters with spaces depending on the number of credits of the course, font Arial, 14 pt.).

The course "Macroeconomics" is a basic normative course in the field of knowledge 0305 "Economics and Entrepreneurship" of educational qualification level "Bachelor". It is taught in the first year of the 2nd semester for a total of 3 credits.

The course "Macroeconomics" is designed to give students basic knowledge of the theory of functioning and development of macroeconomic systems. Research of macroeconomic phenomena and processes, conclusions of macroeconomic analysis, prognostic macroeconomic models require reliable aggregate information, the source of which is the system of national accounts. Only under these conditions can macroeconomic science be the key to the implementation of a balanced macroeconomic policy that would ensure both economic efficiency and social orientation. Macroeconomics as a science makes it possible to understand how national economies, interacting with each other and with the world economy as a whole, shape the economic behavior of economic entities, the culture of economic thinking, determine the coordination of the legal field of the world.

The first module "Theoretical foundations of the study of macroeconomic processes" reveals macroeconomics as a phenomenon and as a field of knowledge. Macroeconomic indicators in the system of national accounts, the national market and its balance are highlighted. General characteristics of consumption and savings, the macroeconomic structure and the content of aggregate demand are given.

The second module "Macroeconomic instability and macroeconomic policy" reveals macroeconomic instability: content, factors, forms of manifestation and contradictions. Inflation and unemployment as factors of macroeconomic imbalance and macroeconomic content of economic growth are highlighted. The general characteristics of the state in the system of macroeconomic regulation and its macroeconomic policy in the open economy are given.

The sequence of studying the DLC and the assessment of relevant educational activities are given in the Study Schedule.

Types of classes: electronic lectures, online lectures, practical work, seminars, discussions on the topic.

Current control is carried out during seminars on certain questions, thematic tests, practical tasks on the topic according to the Study Schedule.

Modular control is carried out in the form of modular tests on the relevant content modules according to the Study Schedule.

Final control is carried out in the form of an exam according to the Study Schedule.

For consultations, discussions on the topic, the student uses the Thematic Forum, which is arranged in the system "Moodle" according to the Study Schedule.

To solve organizational issues, the student uses the Organizational Forum, which is organized in the system "Moodle" according to the Study Schedule.

Tests and practical work, answers to control questions are sent by students to associate professor of the Department of Economics, Ph.D., Petrenko Konstantin Petrovych to the e-mail address: [email protected] according to the Study Schedule.


Appendix B

An example of drawing up a curriculum

The program of the course "Group Dynamics and Communication" is made in accordance with the educational and professional program of bachelors in software development and testing on the specialty 121 "Software Engineering".

The course subject is communication processes in software development teams (hereinafter, software).

Interdisciplinary connections: connection with courses that are directly adjacent to the course: analysis of software development requirements, group dynamics and psychology, software engineering.

The curriculum consists of the following content modules:

Content module 1. Basics of effective work with colleagues, acquaintance with motivation of people, concepts of group dynamics. General characteristics of the group. Group processes.

Content module 2.Requirement extraction practices: interviews, scenarios, prototypes, "explanatory meetings", supervision. Stage of requirement analysis. Requirement extraction methods.

Content module 3. Strategies for listening, persuasion and negotiation. Forms and styles of business negotiations. Choice of strategy and tactics of negotiations.

Content module 4. Review written technical documentation in order to identify various problems. Rules for reviewing technical documentation.

Content module 5. Creating a formal good quality presentation. Qualities that determine the effectiveness of the presentation.

Content module 6. Principles of effective oral communication. The nature of communication.

1. Purpose and objectives of the course.

1.1 The purpose of the course "Group Dynamics and Communication" is: to give a systematic idea of the nature of activities and features of communication in groups of software developers.

1.2 The main objectives of the course "Group Dynamics and Communication" are: to form in future professionals a systematic understanding of software product development and development conditions in general; to give an idea of dynamic processes in groups of software developers; to get across task sharing fixed in job descriptions, job hierarchy and a form of subordination in software development teams; to give an idea of the nature of activities in groups; to give a basic idea of written, oral and graphic communication in the process of software development; to give an overview of the means of communication in groups of software developers.

1.3 According to the requirements of the educational-professional program, students must:


- problems of psychological compatibility and group cohesion;

- types of psychological compatibility;

- individual personality types;

- stages of forming a group of software developers;

- the main components of effective group work; functional roles in the software developer group;

- individual styles of group work;

- cultural patterns of group members;

- a system of social roles;

- types and styles of leadership; types of conflict;

- causes of conflict; styles of behavior in conflict situations;

- conflict management in the software product development process;

- characteristics of dynamic processes in a small group;

- the concept of "group dynamics" in psychology;

- modern aspects of business and intercultural communication;

- components of business communication; the specifics of writing business letters;

- means of communication;

- the specifics of communication on the Internet;

- types and methods of business communication, negotiations, presentations.

be able to:

- explain the importance of forming groups of software developers who have different character traits;

- describe the models of individual personality types of software developers; identify individual work styles, as well as their impact on the progress of software development;

- influence individual members of the group and the group as a whole in order to perform high-quality role functions;

- evaluate the activities of the group in order to increase its efficiency;

- work in multicultural environments; prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

- maintain interaction and communication; find common interests with the interlocutor, understand a different point of view;

- respond quickly to the statements of the interlocutor;

- build a system of evidence;

- speak, listen, write;

- effectively conduct meetings, conversations, negotiations, discussions, presentations, using computer and network communication tools;

- draw up documentation;

- review written technical documentation in order to identify various problems.

have skills:

- acquisition of effective argumentation techniques;

- ability to work in a multidisciplinary team;

- understanding of professional and ethical responsibility for engineering decisions;

- ability to analyze and criticize decisions;

- managing people and understanding the need for learning.

120 hours / 4 ECT credits are allocated for the study of the academic course.

2. Information volume of the course

Content module 1.

Topic 1. General characteristics of the group. Distribution of roles in the group. Individual personality types. Individual styles of group work. Cultural patterns of group members. Motivation. Group size. Group structure. The composition of the group. Working environment. Free time management. Models of software development teams.

Topic 2. Group processes. General characteristics of dynamic processes in the group. Stages of group development. Group norms. Group cohesion. Group decision making. Leadership and management in the group. General characteristics of the conflict. Conflict resolution. Factors of effective work in the group. Features of an international group.

Content module 2.

Topic 3. The stage of requirement analysis. Setting goals, software development tasks and determining the purpose of the product. Defining user requirements. Contextual scenarios. Selection of objects, actions, context. Selection of informational, functional and contextual requirements.

Topic 4. Methods of extracting claims. Interviewing. Contextual research. Affinity charts. Questionnaire. Focus groups. Card sorting.

Content module 3.

Topic 5. Forms and styles of business negotiations. Forms of business negotiations. Styles of business negotiations. Characteristics of interlocutors. Preparation for business negotiations.

Topic 6. The choice of strategy and tactics of negotiations. Development of  a work plan for the conversation. The initial stage of negotiations. Disclosure of the problem. Attracting and retaining the attention of the interlocutor. Appeal to authority. Delegating the opportunity to speak. Rules for organizing and holding an effective conversation, a telephone conversation, meeting, discussion, debate, public speech.

Content module 4.

Topic 7. Rules for reviewing technical documentation. Technical documentation. Types of technical documentation. Requirements for design and review of technical documentation. Review structure. Examples of reviews. Features of group review of technical documentation in the process of software development.

Content module 5.

Topic 8. Qualities that determine an effective presentation. Stages of presentation development. Designing presentations. Basic principles of slide design. Requirements for style, background, color, animation effects. Slide optimization. Connection of the presentation with other sources. Preview presentation.

Content module 6.

Topic 9. The nature of communication. Types of communication. Communication functions in the group. Structure, content, forms and mechanisms of communication. Formal and informal group communications. Verbal means of communication (speaking: oral, written language, listening). Communication barriers. Non-verbal means of communication. Factors of effective communication in the group. General characteristics of synchronous and asynchronous means of communication: telephone communication, fax communication, answering machines, e-mail, ICQ, video and teleconferencing on the Internet, source data management systems, document management systems, distribution of software development tools. 


Appendix C

An example of drawing up general guidelines for the use of DLC

1. The distance course "Economic Statistics" consists of 2 modules. The student consistently gets acquainted with the content of modules 1 and 2, studies the main and additional sources, answers self-control questions, does practical tasks and tests, takes part in discussions on topics "Processes of social reproduction" and "Comparative analysis of domestic economy and economy of foreign countries", completes modular and final testing. Module 1 includes 6 lectures. Module 2 includes 7 lectures.

2. During the semester the student performs tasks for current control. Tasks for current control include control questions for self-control after each lecture and practical tasks. Each module includes 5 practical tasks.

3. Self-control questions are given after each lecture. A student reads a lecture and answers self-control control questions. If a student gives correct answers, he/ she can move on to the next lecture. Otherwise, they re-study the theoretical material of the lecture.

4. Tasks for practical work and guidelines for their implementation are given in the practical part of the course. Students perform their variant of practical work and send a file with the completed work for assessment to e-mail: [email protected] in accordance with the Study Schedule.

5. After studying each module, students perform a modular test. To pass the modular test, students do "Test № 1" after studying the first module and "Test № 2" after studying the second module. Test time - 40 minutes, number of attempts - two. The threshold for modular testing is 100% of correct answers. If a student has not passed the set threshold, he/ she is not allowed to go through the next module. Modular control takes place in accordance with the Study Schedule.

6. The course provides 2 topics for discussion. To participate in the discussion, a student uses, respectively, Thematic Forum №1 "Processes of social reproduction" and Thematic Forum №2 "Comparative analysis of indicators of domestic economy and the economy of foreign countries." In the Forum, students post their answer to the questions suggested by the teacher. Discussions on topics are held in accordance with the Study Schedule. The thematic forum can also be used to communicate with the teacher in case of difficulties or questions on the topic.

7. During the semester the student must perform four tests. Students study methodical instructions on performing a test and complete their variant. The test is made in accordance with the "Requirements for the design and writing tests" (file attached). Tests must be sent for assessment to the teacher’s e-mail: [email protected] in accordance with the Study Schedule.

8. According to the Study Schedule, a student has to undergo final testing. They are to perform "Test № 3". Time limit is 25 minutes, only one attempt is allowed. The threshold for passing the final test is 60% of correct answers. If a student has not passed the set threshold, he/ she is not allowed to take the exam.

9. A necessary condition for admission to the exam is the existence of completed tests, practical tasks, participation in discussions on topics, as well as passing the modular control and a final test.

10. The system of assessment of student's educational activity is presented in the Assessment Criteria.

11. The exam is held in person (or remotely) according to the Study Schedule.

12. During the semester a student can earn 10 incentive points. Points can be obtained by compiling a glossary of terms (glossary) of the discipline. (1 point per term or definition). To compile the Glossary, a student selects the Dictionary element and mixes his terms and definitions to them directly in the Moodle system. The glossary can consist of a maximum of 10 terms and definitions for them. The glossary should be compiled 1 week before the exam session so that the teacher could check and evaluate it.

13. The student can leave his questions to the teacher in Thematic or Organizational forums in the Moodle system.

14. Consultations with the student are held according to the Study Schedule on the Thematic Forum.


Appendix D

An example of setting criteria for admission to the exam in the course

The criteria are placed after the description of the Study Schedule in the general information section on the DLC.

A student is admitted to the exam if:

According to the Study Schedule, practical tasks, tests, answers to self-control questions were performed and sent for inspection (if necessary, revised), and discussions were held on the following topics;

- self-studied lecture materials (maximum number of points – 5);

- answers to self-control questions are logical, systematic, reasoned and complete (maximum number of points –5);

- individual participation (coverage of theoretical issues and problem solving), activity (adding essential information in the consideration of theoretical issues, participation in the discussion of problem situations, giving additional information in solving tasks) in the discussion of "Systems of indicators characterizing the processes of social reproduction" and "Comparative analysis of indicators of development of the domestic economy and the economy of foreign countries" (maximum – 20 points);

- when performing practical tasks: the right solution is found or proposed, the calculations are correct, the student gave arguments to ground his decision, the text with practical work is designed according to the requirements (maximum – 30 points);

- answers to control questions are given in full, current regulatory and technical documents (laws, rules, standards) are used; the test work is designed in accordance with the requirements of design and writing tests (maximum – 30 points);

- modular (not less than 100% of correct answers) and final testing (not less than 60% of correct answers) have been passed.

The course "Economic Statistics" is evaluated by a modular rating system. The total results of students' learning activities are evaluated by a 100-point scale. The scale of correspondence of scores on the credit-module system to the national evaluation system is given in Table D.1.

Table D.1. The scale of correspondence of scores

The sum of points gained by the student







Exam/ credit assessment on the ECTS scale






Exam/ credit assessment on the national scale

unsatisfactory (with the possibility of re-passing)




Form of final control/ credit

uncredited (with the possibility of re-passing)



Appendix E

Example of drawing up a study schedule

Table E.1 – "Economic Statistics" Course Schedule (14/3 academic weeks/credits)

Type of work

Deadline (week)

Distribution of hours by weeks

Maximum number of points


Модуль 1


Lecture 1

Lecture 2







Students study lectures and additional information on their own


Answers to control questions




Text answers should be sent to the e-mail address: [email protected].


Consultation (online)




Thursday 18:00-19:00, Thematic Forum "Module 1".


Discussion on the topic "Systems of indicators that characterize processes of social reproduction", online




Thematic forum "Processes of social reproduction", Wednesday 13:45-14:45


Practical work №1




The results are sent to the teacher’s e-mail: [email protected].


Consultation (online)




Thursday 18:00-19:00, Thematic Forum "Module 1".


Practical work №2




The results are sent to the teacher’s e-mail: [email protected].


Lection 3




Thursday 11:55-13:25, (webinar online), Skype


Consultation (online)




Friday 18:00-19:00, Thematic Forum "Module 1".


Test №1




The results are sent to the teacher’s e-mail: [email protected].


Consultation (online)




Thursday 18:00-19:00, Thematic Forum "Module 1".


Modular control (test)




Test №1 in the section Module 1.

Module 2


Lection 4




Students study lectures and additional information on their own


Appendix J

Example of a glossary

1. admin-c

admin-c is a unique identifier of the domain owner in the IIASHS database, it is used when registering a domain name in geographical zones (for example and in other Ukrainian zones (,,, etc.).


2. Apache

Apache is one of the most convenient and common types of web servers.


3. ASP

ASP (Active Server Pages) is a technology of active pages (text files), developed by Microsoft, in which they (pages) operate on the server’s side, displaying the result to the end user.


4. CGI

CGI (Common Gateway Interface) is an interface standard for communication of any external program with the server. These programs are commonly known as "script" or "gateway". That is, the program runs on a server and communicates with the browser through the same interface. It is an extremely useful tool to create dynamic pages, because without them they may not work.



CGI-BIN is a kind of service that allows the user to place scripts on the server, which are then executed when accessed by the browser.


6. СronТаb

CronTab is a Cron command used to run programs at a specific time, and at regular intervals.



Appendix K

Example of presenting theoretical educational material in the system "Moodle"


Appendix L

Types of test tasks in the Moodle system

Tasks of closed form

Multiple-choice tasks

The person being tested is to choose one or more answers from the proposed set of options. Each answer may have its own weight of evaluation. The overall score for the task consists of scores of selected options.

Test tasks of this type have several presentation options on the test page. Fig. L.1 - L.3 show possible options for presentation.

Fig. L.1. Multiple-choice test task with the choice of one correct answer


Fig. L.2. Multiple-choice test task with a choice of several correct answers


Fig. L.3. Multiple-choice test task with the choice of one correct answer and with place indication where this option should be (missing word) 

True – False test tasks

The person should give an unambiguous answer (true - false) to the question. Graphic images can be used in the task. Figure L.4 shows a model test task "True - False".


Fig. L.4. "True - False" test task

Matching tasks

A task of this type on a given topic creates a set of questions and a set of correct answers to these questions. When passing the test it is necessary to choose the appropriate answer to each question from the list. A model matching task is shown in Figure L.5.

Fig. L.5. A model matching task

Random short answer tasks

This task type is similar to a matching task. It is based on open-form tasks "Short Answer", which are created in a specific section of the test task bank.

Open form tasks

Short answer

A person is to type an answer on the keyboard - a necessary word or a phrase. Graphic images can be used in the task. The task can have several correct answers with different values of grades. Answers can be case sensitive. A model test task "Short answer" is shown in Figure L.6.


Fig. L.6. Test task "Short answer"

Numerical answer

This task type is a variety of a short-answer task. The peculiarity of the tsk is that the answer should be given as a number. An acceptable error can be set for the numerical answer. The latter allows you to set a continuous series of answers. A model test task "Numerical answer" is shown in Figure L.7.


Fig. L.7. Test task "Numerical answer"

Calculation by the formula

In a test task of this type, a mathematical formula is created, according to which a person must perform a calculation. The values of variables included in the formula are set randomly. Using these values, the person performs calculation and enters the numerical result in the answer field. A model test task "Calculation by the formula" is shown in Figure L.8.


Fig. L.8. Test task "Calculation by the formula"

Open answer

The answer to this test task should be given in the form of a short text essay (graphic images can be used). The essay is assessed by the teacher manually. A model test task "Open Answer" is shown in Figure L.9.

Fig. L.9. Test task "Open Answer"

Сombined Tasks

Nested questions

This task types are created by inserting the so-called nested questions (built-in test tasks) into the text of its description. The nested questions can be either open or closed tasks. Questions are enclosed by means of a special language to describe them. Every nested question has its own value. An example of the task is shown in Figure L.10.

Fig. L.10. Test task "Nested questions"

Examples of the document content Open Choice with test tasks

Appendix M

Form of arranging information on the structure of the DLC

General information about the course:

1. Course name: file nazva.docx

2. Information about the author (authors): file autor.docx.

3. Abstract: file anotaz.docx.

4. Work program: file rob_prog.docx

5. Study schedule: file grafik_navchana.docx

6. Evaluation criteria: file ocenka.docx

Educational information and methodical recommendations for studying:

1. Textbook "Economics of Enterprise": file economy.pdf

2. Textbook "Economic Statistics": web resource

3. Electronic lectures: file modl_lecl.docx

4. Electronic lectures: file modl_lec2.docx

5. Electronic lectures: file modl_lec3.docx

6. Electronic lectures: file mod2_lecl.docx

7. Electronic lectures: file mod2_lec2.docx

8. Electronic lectures: file mod2_lec3.docx

9. Electronic lectures: file mod2_lec4.docx

10. Electronic lectures: file videoll.avi

11. Electronic lectures: file lecl.pptx

12. Methodical recommendations "Methodical recommendations for the course": file metod_recom.docx

Individual tasks:

Tasks and methodical recommendations: file medod_ind_zad.docx

Practical tasks:

Task: file prakt_rob.docx

Methodical recommendations: file metod_rekom_prakt.docx

Laboratory work:

Task: file lab.docx

Methodical recommendations: file metod_rekom_lab.docx_


Task: dz.docx file

Methodical recommendations: file metod_rekom_dz.docx

Term papers:

Task: file rusovik_zad.docx

Methodical recommendations: file metod_rekom_kursovik.docx

Glossary: file glos.docx

List of reference literature: file liter.docx

List of links: url.docx


Appendix N

Example of compiling a test specification for an academic course

The content of the test is determined by the curriculum

The type of test is modular (Module 1).

The maximum number of points is 100.

The total number of test tasks is 25.

The test takes 35 minutes.

The number of attempts: 1.

The test on the course consists of tasks of four forms:

1. Multiple choice with one correct answer (№ 1-6). There are five possible answers to each task, of which only one is correct. The task is considered completed if the student has chosen and marked the correct answer.

2. Multiple choice with several correct answers (№ 7-13). Each task has five possible answers, several of which are correct. The task is considered completed if the student has selected and marked all the correct answers.

Note: the author may partially credit the answer if not all the correct answers are selected, but these cases should be described in the test task evaluation scheme.

3. Matching tasks (№ 14-20). To complete the task, one should match the information marked with numbers and letters (form logical pairs). The task is considered completed if the student has correctly marked the intersections of rows (numbers from 1 to 4) and columns (letters from A to D). in the table of the answer sheet A.

4. Open-form tasks with a short answer (№ 21-25). When performing these tasks, you need to enter the obtained numerical result of the dimension, which is specified in the task, to the answer sheet A.

Schemes for assessing test tasks of the course "Business Economics":

1. Tasks with the choice of one correct answer are evaluated in 0 or 4 points: 4 points, if the correct answer is specified; 0 points if the answer is incorrect or the answer to the task is not provided.

2. Tasks with a choice of several correct answers are evaluated as a percentage for each correct answer: 0 points, if all the answers are incorrect, or the answer to the task is not provided. The total score for all correct answers should be equal to 100%, for incorrect answers -100%.

3. Matching tasks (logical pairs) are evaluated as a percentage for each correct established correspondence (logical pair); maximum score - 4 points; 0 points, if no correct logical pair is specified or the answer to the task is not provided. The total score for all correct answers should be equal to 100%, for incorrect answers -100%.

4. Tasks of the open form with the short answer are evaluated in 0 or 4 points: 4 points if the correct answer is specified; 0 points if an incorrect answer is given or the task is not completed at all.

Threshold of modular testing - 90% of correct answers.

Author of the test of the course "Business Economics"



Appendix P

Extract form of the department meeting

Appendix R

Form of summary of the scientific and methodical commission on completeness and quality of the DLC