Regulations on the organization of admission and education of foreign citizens in Ukrainian (Russian) on a full-time basis | ХАІ
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HomeUniversityNormative baseRegulationsRegulations on admission to the UniversityRegulations on the organization of admission and education of foreign citizens in Ukrainian (Russian) on a full-time basis

Regulations on the organization of admission and education of foreign citizens
in Ukrainian on a full-time basis
at National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»

Approved by:
Academic Council
of National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»
Protocol No. 3 of November 25, 2015

СУЯ ХАІ-ФПІГ-П/001:2015

Date of introduction December 1, 2015

Edition No. 1

1. General regulations

1.1 Regulations on the organization of admission and education of foreign citizens on a full-time basis at National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» (hereinafter, the University), who study in Ukrainian (hereinafter, the Regulations) are developed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine "On Education" dated 23.05.1991 № 1060-XII (as amended), "On Higher Education" dated 01.07.2014 № 1556-VІІ, "Conditions of admission to higher educational institutions of Ukraine in 2016", approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated October 15, 2015 № 1085 (hereinafter, the Conditions of admission), the Statute of the University (hereinafter, the Statute).

1.2 Admission of foreigners and stateless persons is carried out by the University Admissions Committee (hereinafter, the Admissions Committee) in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine "On the legal status of foreigners and stateless persons" dated 22.09.2011 № 3774-VI, "On Ukrainians abroad" dated 09.02.2012 № 4381-VI, Decrees of the President of Ukraine "On measures to develop economic cooperation of regions of Ukraine with adjacent border regions of the Russian Federation" dated March 25, 1994 № 112 and "On measures to develop economic cooperation of regions of Ukraine with adjacent regions of the Republic of Belarus and administrative-territorial units Of the Republic of Moldova ”dated June 3, 1994 № 271, Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine“ On Studying of Foreign Citizens in Ukraine ”dated February 26, 1993 № 136,“ Some Issues of Recruitment for Studying of Foreigners and Stateless Persons ”dated September 11, 2013 № 684, by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "Some issues of organization of recruitment and studying (internship) of foreigners and stateless persons ”dated November 1, 2013 № 1541.

Foreigners who receive state scholarships under international agreements, national programs, and other international obligations of Ukraine are admitted to study on the basis of assignment from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine within the scope of the state order.

1.3 Admission of foreigners is carried out without restrictions on the grounds of race, color, political, religious and other beliefs, sex, ethnic and social background, property status, place of residence, language or other characteristics.

1.4 Admission of foreigners to get the University education can be carried out on the basis of:

1.4.1 Personal appeal of foreign citizens and stateless persons or personally submitted documents;

1.4.2 International agreements of Ukraine;

1.4.3 National programs;

1.4.4 Agreements concluded by the University with legal and private individuals.

1.5 Admission to the University of foreign citizens and stateless persons who are on the territory of Ukraine on legal grounds, is carried out by educational and qualification levels, degrees, areas of studying (specialties), forms of education in accordance with the license within the licensed scope of accredited areas of studying (specialties). The conditions and procedure for admission of foreigners and stateless persons, as well as the procedure for their enrollment are determined by regulations of the legislation of Ukraine.

1.6. A foreigner who is receiving full-time education in Ukraine must reside on its territory and be registered with the police.

1.7. University Education of foreign citizens and stateless persons is held in Ukrainian or Russian at the student's choice.

1.8. The normative content and terms of study at all educational and qualification levels and degrees are determined by the standards of higher education of Ukraine, the Conditions of admission, the Rules of admission to the University.

2. Admission to the University

2.1 Admission of foreign citizens and stateless persons at educational and qualification levels "bachelor" and "master" to get full-time education is carried out in accordance with the Rules of admission to National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» for the current year and on the basis of agreements on the provision of educational services to individuals and legal entities.

2.2 A foreign person and a stateless person wishing to enter the university shall in advance submit the following documents to the Selection Board of Foreign Citizen Training Faculty:

- an invitation to study in the original;

- a statement signed by the dean of the corresponding faculty of full-time education;

- a hard copy and a notarized copy of the document on previous education (certificate of secondary education, diploma of junior specialist, bachelor, specialist, master, etc.) with the translation into Ukrainian;

- a hard copy and a notarized copy of the document (appendix to the document on education), which contains information about their academic performance, with the translation into Ukrainian;

- a certificate of completion of the preparatory department (in case the student has graduated);

- two copies of the passport (all pages), notarized, with the translation into Ukrainian;

- a notarized copy of the birth certificate with the translation into Ukrainian;

- a medical certificate form 086U in the original (or similar ones from the country of origin) on the health state and the certificate on HIV with a notarized translation into Ukrainian;

- photos 3 x 4 (8 pcs.);

- permission to cross the border for persons under 18;

- a copy of the insurance policy (if the student enters from another university).

Upon entering the university, the student fills out a questionnaire and signs the basic rules for foreigners studying at the university.

The student signs the study agreement in triplicate. One copy of the contract remains with the student, the second is transferred to the accounting department, the third is kept in the student's personal file. The dean of Foreign Citizen Training Faculty is responsible for the content of agreements for studying. The terms of signing agreements are regulated by the current legislation on the stay of foreign citizens on the territory of Ukraine.

The foreigner pays for the next period of study in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

2.3 The Executive Secretary of the Selection Board of Foreign Citizen Training Faculty informs the foreign student of the terms and place of the interview or entrance examinations, which are provided by the Selection Boards of the Faculties of full-time education. After holding entrance examinations, Selection Boards of Faculties of full-time education must submit the relevant protocols of subject boards to the Selection Board of Foreign Citizen Training Faculty within three days.

2.3.1 The Executive Secretary of the Selection Board of Foreign Citizen Training Faculty within three days makes protocols and the order on enrollment of the student and enters him/ her to the Unified state electronic database of education (EDEBO). The Dean of Foreign Citizen Training Faculty is responsible for the correctness of input data about enrolled students in EDEBO.

2.3.2 Foreign Citizen Training Faculty within three days after the verification of the order of enrollment of students sends a copy of the order to the dean's office of the full-time faculty.

2.3.3 After enrollment, the student receives a referral for accommodation in the dormitory and for a medical examination, which he undergoes within 15 days.

The provision of educational services to foreign citizens - full-time students - is carried out by the faculty of the University after signing the order on enrollment of the student.

2.3.4 On the basis of the order (or extract from it) on enrollment, a student under the control of a responsible employee of Foreign Citizen Training Faculty submits documents to the State Migration Service of Ukraine to obtain a temporary residence permit, which is issued for up to one year, with the possibility of its prolongation for a year on the basis of the student's application and the conditions of his/ her transfer to the next year.

2.3.5 After enrollment during the first year, the student must go through the procedure of recognition of documents (nostrification) on education (certificate) and / or educational qualification level (diploma, academic certificate) obtained in another country, which takes place in accordance with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and under the control of a responsible employee of Foreign Citizen Training Faculty.

2.3.6 Responsibility for compliance with the "Rules of admission to National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» of foreign students” in the current year is entrusted to the chairman of the Selection Board of Foreign Citizen Training Faculty.

3. Organization and control of the educational process

3.1 Responsibility for the organization of the educational process of foreign citizens and stateless persons and its control is assigned to the deans of full-time faculties, which operate in accordance with the "Regulations on the organization of the educational process."

3.2 Responsibility for ensuring the proper quality of educational services rests with the heads of departments of the University. The educational process is carried out in accordance with the curricula and programs, which are approved in the prescribed manner.

3.3 If a student has successfully passed the exams and tests on the courses of the current year, he is transferred to the next year. The order on transfer to the next year is formed by full-time faculties, verified in EDEBO and a copy is sent to Foreign Citizen Training Faculty.

3.4 In case of granting a student academic leave on the basis of his application, which is confirmed by the relevant documents, the order is issued by Foreign Citizen Training Faculty after its agreement with the dean of the full-time faculty.

4. Procedures for expelling students and conditions for renewalя

4.1 In case a foreign student has failed the procedure of nostrification of documents, in case of violation of the terms of the contract, the Internal Code of Conduct of the University and the rules of stay in Ukraine, Foreign Citizen Training Faculty carries out the procedure of a student’s expel.

4.2 In case of availability of the submission of the dean of the full-time faculty to expel a student for violating the curriculum, Foreign Citizen Training Faculty issues an expulsion order, verifies it in EDEBO and informs the student about his expel.

Foreign Citizen Training Faculty within three days after the issue of the expulsion order sends a copy of the verified order on the student expulsion to the dean's office of the full-time faculty.

4.3 If a student is expelled, he is obliged, in accordance with the rules of stay in Ukraine, within seven days to withdraw from registration at the place of residence and leave the territory of Ukraine. At the same time, the responsible employee of  Foreign Citizen Training Faculty supervises the return of the temporary residence permit within 10 days.

4.4 A person wishing to resume full-time study shall submit an application and an academic certificate to the dean's office of Foreign Citizen Training Faculty in advance. Determination of academic differences with the curriculum in the chosen field or specialty is carried out by the dean of the full-time faculty. The total academic difference should not exceed six disciplines. Otherwise, renewal is possible only for the previous year.

4.5 In case of availability of a student’s application for renewal with a visa of the dean of the full-time faculty and a list of academic differences, an academic certificate, a list of documents according to paragraph 2.2, a new agreement for educational services and a document on tuition fees, Foreign Citizen Training Faculty issues a student renewal order and verifies it in EDEBO.

A copy of the verified order on the renewal of the student to study is sent by the responsible employee of Foreign Citizen Training Faculty to the faculty of full-time education within three days after the order is issued.

4.6 To eliminate academic differences, the student receives individual examination statements at the faculty of full-time education and applies to the head of the relevant department. The student must eliminate academic differences that arose as a result of renewal within the period specified in the renewal order.

5. Changing the form of education

5.1 A person wishing to change the form of study from correspondence to full-time, in advance submits a corresponding application and a copy of the study card to the dean's office of Foreign Citizen Training Faculty. The dean of the full-time faculty is to determine academic differences with the curriculum in the chosen field or specialty. The total academic difference should not exceed six disciplines. Otherwise, changing the form of study is possible only for the previous year.

5.2 The student changes the form of study from part-time to full-time in the intersessional period, provided there are academic differences of not more than six and within the license volume.

5.3 In case of availability of an application signed by the dean of the full-time faculty, a list of academic differences, the agreement on educational services and the document on tuition fees, Foreign Citizen Training Faculty issues an order to change the form of education and verifies it in EDEBO. A copy of the order shall be submitted to the full-time faculty by the responsible employee of Foreign Citizen Training Faculty within three days after the issue.

5.4 The student should eliminate academic differences that have arisen as a result of a change in the form of study within the time specified in the order.

5.5 In case of change of the form of study from correspondence to full-time the foreign student concludes a new contract.

6. Graduation

6.1 In case of successful completion of the curriculum, defense of a qualification (diploma) work, as well as proper fulfillment of obligations to pay for tuition, the student receives a diploma and a diploma supplement of European standard with the appropriate qualification.

6.2 Full-time faculties transfer to Foreign Citizen Training Faculty the results of examinations and tests (study card) passed by all foreign students for the entire period of study of a certain educational level to create an appendix to the bachelor's or specialist's (master's) diploma. The study card is signed by the dean of the full-time faculty.

6.3 Foreign Citizen Training Faculty issues the order on graduation, verifies it in EDEBO and within three days after the order sends a copy of the verified order to the dean's office of the full-time faculty.

6.4 After receiving the diploma, the student goes through the procedure of legalization, which is entrusted to Foreign Citizen Training Faculty.

6.5 After receiving the diploma, signing the bypass letter and canceling the certificate of temporary residence on the territory of Ukraine, the student must leave the territory of Ukraine within seven days.

7. Final regulations

7.1 Regulations are approved by the Academic Council of the University and put into effect by order of the Rector of the University.

7.2 Control over the implementation of the Regulations is exercised by the officials of the University within the limits of their powers established by the job descriptions.

7.3 Changes and additions to the Regulations are considered and approved by the Academic Council of the University and put into effect by order of the Rector of the University in the prescribed manner.