Regulations on the preparation for entry to higher education foreign students | ХАІ
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HomeUniversityNormative baseRegulationsRegulations on admission to the UniversityRegulations on the preparation for entry to higher education foreign students

Regulations on preparation for admission
of foreign citizens to higher education institutions
of National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»

Approved by:
Academic Council
of National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute»
Protocol № 13 of June 20, 2019

Put into effect by order 318а of June 26, 2019

СУЯ ХАІ-ПВ-П/001:2019

Date of introduction June 26, 2019

Edition № 1

1. General regulations

1.1 Regulations on the implementation of activities to prepare for admission of foreign citizens to higher education institutions of Ukraine (hereinafter - the Preparatory activities) at National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» (hereinafter - the University) were established in accordance with the laws of Ukraine "On Education" dated 05.09.2017 №2145-VІІІ, "On higher education" dated 01.07.2014 №1556-VІІ, "On the legal status of foreigners and stateless persons" dated 04.02.1994 №3929-ХІІ, "On Ukrainians Abroad" dated 04.03.2004 №1582-IV and they regulate the general management framework of the Preparatory activities at the University, its tasks and functions.

1.2 Preparatory activities at the University are carried out based on the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 15.02.2012 № 150 "On approval of the Procedure for extension of stay and extension or reduction of temporary stay of foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of Ukraine", the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 12.09.2018 № 729 "Issues of obtaining higher education by certain categories of persons", the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 19.08.2015 № 634 "On approval of the Standard agreement on training, preparation, retraining, advanced training or on the provision of additional educational services by educational institutions", the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "Some issues of organization of foreigners and stateless persons recruitment and training (internship)" dated 01.11.2013 № 1541, the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 11.12.2015 №1272 "On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 01.11.2013 № 1541", as well as regulations of the University Statute, Rules of admission to the University, internal rules, orders and directives of the rector, decisions of the Academic Council of the University, other regulations governing the preparation for admission of foreign citizens to higher education institutions of Ukraine at the University.

1.3 Preparatory activities are part of a unified system of continuing education at the University.

1.4 Preparation of students - foreign citizens for admission to higher education institutions of Ukraine is carried out on contractual terms with tuition fees at the expense of individuals and legal entities.

1.5 Preparatory activities are carried out by structural units of the University and are managed by the University Rector. On behalf of the Rector, the operational management and direct management of the Preparatory Activities may be carried out by another official of the University.

2. Purpose, main tasks and functions of preparatory activities

2.1 Preparatory activities are organized in order to prepare foreign citizens for admission to higher education institutions of Ukraine (including the University) and for specialized training, increase the foreigners’ Ukrainian language skills and provide primary professional knowledge.

2.2 The main tasks of the Preparatory activity are:

2.2.1 Providing paid educational services to foreign citizens for the purpose of in-depth study of general and additional disciplines.

2.2.2 Implementing educational activities in preparation for the entry of foreign citizens into higher education institutions of Ukraine, which are based on:

- study of Ukrainian (Russian) language and other academic disciplines in a non-native language by foreign citizens, study in accordance with the curricula and programs recommended by the scientific and methodological commission for training of foreign citizens of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;

- socio-psychological, socio-cultural, linguistic adaptation of foreign citizens to studies in higher education institutions of Ukraine.

2.2.3. Carrying out educational, scientific, educational and methodical, creative and cultural-educational activities among students - foreign citizens.

2.3 To achieve the goal Preparatory activities provide the following functions:

2.3.1 Execution of the state order and interstate agreements and contracts on preparation of foreign citizens for admission to higher education institutions of Ukraine in the chosen field of study.

2.3.2 Organization in cooperation with the dean's office of the foreign students training faculty of passport and visa registration regimes of foreign citizens, medical care and accident insurance.

2.3.3 Promoting the training of scientific and pedagogical staff, advanced training and retraining of teachers who teach foreign students.

2.3.4 Promoting the cultural and spiritual development of the individual, educating persons (foreign citizens preparing to enter higher education institutions of Ukraine) in the spirit of humanism, political correctness and tolerance towards the citizens of Ukraine and other countries and respect for laws and the Constitution of Ukraine, including:

- conducting cultural and educational work with foreign students (participants);

- acquainting foreign students (participants) with the generally accepted norms of behavior, laws of Ukraine, normative legal acts determining the legal status of foreign citizens in Ukraine, as well as the Statute and Rules of Procedure of the University and rules of living in dormitories.

2.3.5 Work with national associations of foreign citizens, their state and national non-state representations.

2.3.6 Assistance in organizing the work of student self-government bodies, student assets that cover activities of persons of a certain ethnicity and foreign citizens in general studying at the University.

2.3.7 Organization and holding of educational activities, professional, scientific and practical, tourist, student exchanges and tourist-excursion trips.

2.3.8 Participation in conducting informational and advertising work of the University, including the production of materials in foreign languages, participation in the website operation, which covers Preparatory activities on the official website of the University and on social networks, etc.

2.3.9 Information assistance to business entities in organizing the recruitment of foreign citizens to study at the University.

2.3.10 Participation in communicational and informational activities of the University to create a single space of continuing education, use of marketing communications complex (informational and advertising presentations, conferences, round tables, forums, etc.) in Ukraine and abroad.

3. Grounds for admission of foreigners to study

3.1 Foreigners who need language training to study in higher education institutions of Ukraine may undergo such training at the University, as the knowledge of the language of study at a level sufficient for mastering educational material confirmed by the admission commission is the condition for enrollment of a foreigner in a higher education institution of Ukraine to obtain a certain educational and qualification level in accordance with applicable law.

3.2 Foreign citizens and stateless persons with secondary education, regardless of race, sex, language, or religion, are admitted to the University to prepare for admission to higher education institutions of Ukraine. Recruitment of foreigners for study is carried out by the University independently and through legal entities or individuals if they have a certificate for this type of activity and an agreement with the University.

3.3 For enrollment in the University to prepare for admission to higher education institutions of Ukraine foreign citizens and stateless persons must submit documents specified by orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and orders of the relevant Ministries and other agencies, namely:

- application addressed to the University Rector;

- a notarized copy of the document on education and grades (points) obtained from academic disciplines;

- a notarized copy of the birth certificate;

- a medical certificate confirming the absence of HIV infection, or a certificate from a medical and preventive institution on a medical examination for HIV infection;

- medical health certificate, which confirms the possibility of studying in the climatic conditions of Ukraine;

- insurance policy (except for countries with which relevant agreements have been concluded);

- written consent to the processing of personal data;

- 8 photos in the size of 60x40 mm;

- passport, passport copy and notarized translation of the passport into Ukrainian.

The documents specified in subparagraphs 2-4 of paragraph 8 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "Some issues of organization of recruitment and training (internship) of foreigners and stateless persons" dated 01.11.2013 №1541 must be translated into Ukrainian with notarized translation. Documents must be certified in the country of issue in the manner officially used in that country for such certification, and legalized by the relevant foreign diplomatic mission of Ukraine, unless otherwise provided by international agreements of Ukraine. In the absence of confirmation of the document authenticity on education or on the level of education received by the foreigner (within one year from the date of enrollment), the University expels such a foreigner.

3.4 Payment for educational services provided by the University to foreign citizens is made under agreements (contracts) at the expense of foreigners' own funds or other sources not prohibited by the legislation of Ukraine, unless otherwise provided by international agreements of Ukraine. The contract defines the responsibilities and rights of the University and the foreigner for the entire period of study, the cost and procedure for tuition payment. Tuition payment is made within the period specified in the contract, otherwise the foreign citizen is expelled from the University.

3.5 Students enrolled in education are issued a student card.

3.6 Depending on the chosen field of study, foreigners are trained in subjects such as Ukrainian (Russian), Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry or Biology, Technical Drawing, Computer Science (for 10 months) or Ukrainian (Russian) (for 6 months). The form of study is full-time. Study period may vary due to different timing of foreign citizens’ arrival (from August 15 to November 15), which is regulated by legislation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, and should be equal to 30 credits, of which at least 19.5 credits (585 hours) of classroom training during the 10-month course, or at least 10 credits (300 hours) of classroom training during a 6-month course.

3.7 Study groups of students are formed of 8-15 people, which ensures the organization of the educational process with the required quality of learning material.

3.8 The main document regulating the educational process for the preparation of foreign citizens for admission to higher education institutions of Ukraine is a working curriculum, drawn up in accordance with the educational program approved by the Academic Council of the University. The working curriculum is approved by the University Rector.

3.9 The working schedule of the educational process for the preparation of foreign citizens for admission to higher education institutions of Ukraine is approved by the Rector. Working schedules of the educational process of each academic group are drawn up in the process of forming a contingent of students and approved in the prescribed manner.

3.10 The work mode on preparation for admission to higher education institutions of Ukraine for foreign citizens is determined by the internal rules and the curriculum.

3.11 Organizational and legal issues of issuing invitations to foreigners for study, entry, stay and departure from Ukraine, verification of documents, registration with law enforcement agencies, conclusion of contracts (agreements), control of tuition fees, contingent accounting and quality control of foreign students, preparation of documents on education is entrusted to the Department of International Relations and other departments of the University, which provide the process of preparing foreign citizens to enter the Higher Education Institution of Ukraine.

3.12 Upon successful completion of their studies, foreigners take examinations, the results of which are approved by their final certification and a state standard certificate is issued. With the specified certificate foreign citizens can continue their studies in the main field of study (specialty) in a selected institution of higher education in Ukraine, including the University.

4. Final regulations

4.1 Regulations on Preparatory activities are approved by the Academic Council of the University and put into effect by order of the University Rector.

4.2 Changes and/or additions to the Regulations are made in the order established for its acceptance, are considered and approved by the Academic Council of the University and put into effect by the order of the University Rector.